office team

Our Approach

Top Tier's approach to financing starts with each customer's relationship.  We want our customers to understand where they are and where they want their business to go.  Looking into the future we can then not only work on current financing projects, but look down the road at future endeavors as trusted partners.

Our Story

Together, Top Tier's team has over 25 years in the transportation industry - union, non union, LTL, and brokerage.  Founded in 2014, financing tractors and trailers was the primary focus of Top Tier.  Since then, we have expanded our customer and lender base extensively - not only into new markets, but deeper into transportation.

As time goes on we continue to strive for the best offerings for our clients.

Meet the Team


Chris Stevens

Founder & CEO


C: 317-414-4119



Director of Sales


C: 317-658-4443

What's Next?

We're here to help your business grow!  We've helped countless start ups and established businesses understand commercial lending - and tailored solutions to their specific needs.

Give us a call or send us a message!